Our Approach
Who is 1i-rc?
1i-rc.com was founded with the sole purpose of spreading the word of the greatest hobby on planet Earth: RC! Our name comes from the fact that I only have partial use of one of my eyes due to Type 1 Diabetic Retinopathy. I used RC as a form of vision therapy to train my eye to focus on moving targets and adapt to changing light conditions. If it were not for RC I would not be able to function in day to day life now. I want to pay it forward to thank all of those who have helped me along the way.
Our Story
Our Story
My first exposure to the hobby occurred in 1995 when I saw a new Associated RC10T sitting behind the counter of the local hobby shop. The tires sticking out of the fenders and all of those bright fluorescent colors had me hooked. I thumbed through magazines, spent a lot of time asking newbie questions and learning as much as I could before buying my first hobby-grade RC- a ready-to-run Traxxas Rustler. I still have that truck hanging in my office to remind me of where it all began.
That was nearly a quarter-century ago and my passion for the hobby is stronger than ever. This site affords me the opportunity to combine my two favorite hobbies- RC and writing- in a way that can positively impact others.