Drag racers finding themselves fighting Newton and his pesky laws now have a new weapon in their arsenal thanks to Team Associated’s new Suspension Wheelie Bar Conversion for the DR10m. The oscillation that can occur when a vehicle suddenly hits the wheelie bar can and will cause a loss of control as the chassis slaps back down, especially if the bar doesn’t allow for any flex or the tires contact the ground at different times. This wheelie bar slows the wheelie as weight is transferred via an adjustable oil filled damper and also controls the reboud as the chassis comes back down. Slowing this motion keeps the rear tires in contact with the track surface and maintains control. Each carbon fiber arm is braced with a series of aluminum standoffs while the pivot points are ball raced for zero slop or friction. The shock mount is adjustable for different amounts of travel (setting the height of the wheelie or eliminating it entirely) and the whole assembly is a bolt-on affair.
Item #72086