Honey, I shrunk the Power Wagon! Micro crawler enthusiasts can now match their pint sized pebble pounder to their larger 1/10 Power Wagon with this new clear shell. The Power Wagon was designed to fit the Jeep JLU version of the SCX24 platform while over variants will need additional body mount pieces to make the shell fit properly. The familiar flat panel grille stands prominent in front of the high clearance front front fenders. Unlike its larger brother, the 1/24 version is a one-piece mold for simple mounting without sacrificing detail. Like all Pro-Line shells the palm-sized Power Wagon is covered in Paint-Then-Peel overspray film and includes a sheet of detail decals to complete the look.

Item# 3565-00
Link: https://www.prolineracing.com/bodies/1946-dodge-power-wagon-clear-body-scx24-jlu.asp