Pro-Line’s ultra-racy Axis body design is now available for the Arrma Typhon 223s buggy. Offering balance downforce between the front and rear axles this body directs airflow to the wing more efficiently than other body styles without creating unnecessary drag. The upright windshield creates a high-pressure area over the nose and pushes air up and over the rest of the cabin reducing drag and creating a smaller frontal area for air to interact with. Like all Pro-Line bodies this Axis includes paint-then-peel overspray film, window masks and a detailed decal sheet. In also keeping with a 40 year tradition this product was designed and manufactured in the USA.

Item #PRO364600 Axis Body Shell For Arrma Typhon 223s https://www.prolineracing.com/product/1-8-axis-clear-body-typhon-223s/PRO364600.html