Fans of Pro-Line’s Raid wheel design now have another option for their Slash or Arrma Vehicles: the Raid Beadloc 2.2″/3.0″ 6x30mm removable hex wheels with both 12mm and 14mm wheel hex options included in the package. The clamping bead design holds both the smaller outside and larger inside beads with just six screws on the face of the wheel. Red or silver aluminum beadlock rings are available while the other pieces of the wheel (of which there are 9 in total: 1 inner barrel, 1 outer barrel, 1 wheel hex and 6 screws to attach the hex) are bathed in a stealthy black. Both Slash 2wd front and rear/4×4 offset adapters are included in 12mm along with standard and 0/ProTrac offset 14mm hexes.
Item #261104 Raid 2.2″/3.0″ Beadloc 6×30 Removable Hex Wheels