RPM have announced the release of their new front bumper option for the Arrma Kraton V5 as well as a new rear skid plat that is compatible with most Arrma 6s vehicles. The front bumper is designed with additional differential clearance to accommodate the new V5 diffs while also still working with older versions of the Kraton. A hinge pin retainer is also included; nothing else is needed to use the RPM bumper on models including the EXB. The 4mm thick skid plate protects the chassis and is reinforced by 1.5mm skid ribs that extend the length of the bumper/skid assembly. The two-piece bumper also includes a horizontal bumper bar that offers a level of protection to the body.

Is the underside of your Arrma 6s vehicle looking a little worse for wear after one too many hard landings? Are you looking for a way to keep the same thing from happening to its replacement? Look no further than the new RPM rear skid plate for the Arrma 6s line of vehicles. This small skid provides protection to the rear of the expensive slab of aluminum that underpins these vehicles and takes the brunt of the impact of hard landings. The leading edge is rolled to a thin point to reduce hang-ups on obstacles while its thick profile offers long-lasting protection.

Item #81812 RPM Front Bumper Arrma Kraton 6s V5, EXB, previous generations https://www.rpmrcproducts.com/shop/bumpers/front-bumpers/kraton-6s-front-bumper/
#81332 RPM Rear Skid Plate Arrma 6s Vehicles https://www.rpmrcproducts.com/shop/chassis-components/skid-plates/rea-skid-plate-for-arrma-6s-vehicles/